Jail Division Public Information

Jail Careers
The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office accepts applications for Jail Deputies year-round, even when all positions are currently filled. If you're interested in submitting an application you may submit one at any given time and once a position becomes available, the Jail Commander or his designee will contact you regarding the next stages of employment.
Useful Jail Information
Wanting to send letters to someone currently incarcerated?
Inmates may send & receive mail during regular postal days & times. To write to an Inmate, you must follow the diagram below on how to properly address your envelope!

The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office has strict guidelines that should be followed by anyone wanting to send mail to an inmate. Failure to the follow the guidelines listed below may result in prosecution or your mail being intercepted and confiscated.
Inmate mail will not have any of the following:
• Stickers
• Unknown substances or discoloration.
• Adhesives, powders, & glitter.
• Currency of any form.
• Mechanized or battery-operated devices.
• Clippings from newspapers or magazines.
• Books, book pages, or print outs of any picture, text, etc.
Pictures must be "unedited" or "SOOC" (Straight out of camera) in order for the picture to be delivered to the inmate.
Inmate Visitation Information and Guidelines
Inmates are allowed visitors after having been detained for five full days. Inmates may submit visitation sheets to allow up to five approved adults to visit them every month. Visits are on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do not allow early check-ins, or onsite visits to be scheduled ahead of time. Visitors must have a state-issued picture ID. Each visit is 20 minutes in duration and may be terminated by Jail Staff at any time if they determine a violation of the guidelines, set forth by either Securus or the Sheriff's Office, has been committed by either the visitor or the inmate. Only one minor is allowed with each visitor.
You may visit an inmate during a video visitation by clicking the above link to be redirected to the Securus webpage. You will need to create an account, and each visitation scheduled will cost the visitor.​​
Clothing, Hygiene, & Medical
All clothing and hygiene items are provided to the inmates. They may not have any clothing or hygiene dropped off for them. Any extra clothing and hygiene items can be purchased from Commissary. To be allowed to wear dress clothing to appear at court, an inmate must request such an order from the respective court overseeing their case. Otherwise, they will appear in Jail-Issued Clothing.
Inmates are provided medical, dental, & therapeutic care through a contracted correctional healthcare corporation, exceeding the requirements of the Indiana State Jail Standards. All medication already prescribed or newly prescribed while incarcerated. must be approved by the jail physician. Medication that is not approved will not be dispensed and will be placed in the inmate's property. The medical nurse dispenses medication twice daily and is available 40 hours a week to see to the needs of medical issues. The jail doctor is on site once weekly, but a doctor is on-call 24/7. Medication drop offs are not permitted and will not be accepted.
Inmate Personal Property Releases
An inmate may release property to a citizen of their choice. An inmate must first complete a property release form then the designated person may pick up the property Monday-Friday from 8:00AM - 4:30PM. You will need to show a state-issued picture ID. If an inmate is transferred to the Department of Corrections (IDOC), property must be picked up within 60 days of the transfer or it will be destroyed. After being incarcerated, a released detainee can come to the jail to pick up his or her own belongings kept for safe keeping.
Emergencies, Funerals, & Spiritual Guidance
To make emergency contact with an inmate, you must contact a division commander (Jail Commander or Asst. Commander) and they will determine the legitimacy of the emergency and speak directly to the inmate. Messages cannot and will not be delivered to an inmate by jail deputies.
Inmates will only be transported to a funeral if there is a transport order from a Judge. An inmate may write the judge presiding over their case to request such a court order. There are no exceptions to this.
Spiritual Guidance can be requested for any reason at any time. Specific ministers/spiritual counselors may have to fill out an application and receive approval from the Jail Commander or his Assistant to visit an inmate. Ministers/counselors must schedule an appointment for visitation prior to the intended date for the visit.
Visitation Days/Times:
Monday: 6:30PM-9:00PM
Wednesday: 6:30PM-9:00PM
Saturday: 9AM-11AM | 2:30PM-4:00PM | 6:30PM-9:00PM
Sunday: 9AM-11AM | 6:30PM-9:00PM​
Visits must be scheduled at least 25 minutes prior to the above listed end time for that day; otherwise, both Securus & Jail Staff will deny your request to visit.
Jail Chemical Addictions Program
JCAP is an intensive 90 day program offering counselling services to inmates from Valley Oaks Health & a structured daily routine involving classes, programming, & optional bible studies. It provides a culture that is much different than a typical jail setting and has extra options for aftercare upon release through the Crawfordsville Fire Department's Quick Response Team. Participants find themselves preparing for life outside the jail on a daily basis.
A.C.C.I. Life Skills
The American Community Corrections Institute is a well-respected organization that has been active in correctional programs since 1975. They offer a 90 day program based on a series of six books. (Anger Management, Cognitive Awareness, Contentious Relationships, Offender Responsibility, Parenting, & Substance Abuse) The program requires a healthy amount of effort on the part of the participant as well as behavioral standards.
Clergy Visits
We also have a faithful group of men and women who regularly meet with individuals one on one, offering them an opportunity to express themselves in ways that are not readily accessible in a group setting. These visits have been of great value to the individuals who have participated in them thus far.
Chaplaincy Program
Chaplain services are available to both inmate and law enforcement officers alike. These services are rendered by the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Chaplain, Jamie Cevela.
Integrated Wellness (InWell)
InWell is a client-centered practice providing outpatient and school-based services throughout Boone, Clinton, & Montgomery Counties. InWell is able to offer peer recovery assistance to incarcerated individuals that can easily translate to better service access upon their release.
Celebrate Redemption
Celebrate Redemption focuses on spiritual growth in Christ to overcome addictive behaviors. Instead of focusing on one specific addiction, this 12 step program allows the participant to focus on the debilitating issues that hinder an individual from being the person God intended. Celebrate Redemption is locally ran with an associated program outside the jail walls.
Out of Darkness & Church Services
Out of Darkness is a 17 week non-step Christian program that deals with several issues of life. It has a particular focus on addictions through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is also locally led, offering participants another contact point that may translate well upon release. Additionally, Church services are held for both male and female inmates every Sunday. Three different groups representing three different local churches rotate to lead the services, offering three different personalities, and theological points of view. These three groups represent 67 years of combined jail ministry experience.
Narcotics Anonymous
Q.C.C Mental Health Counseling
Our contracted healthcare organization provides a mental health counselor that meets with inmates privately on a weekly basis. Counseling sessions focus on an array of issues, including addictions & behavioral disorders.
Internationally recognized 12 step group-based recovery program that provides strength in recovery by sharing relatable experiences and the tribulations associated with drug abuse with other members. The Narcotics Anonymous program is locally based, giving participants a contact point that should help them find meetings upon release.
Programs are only as good as the people leading them, and we are very blessed to have an overabundance of faithful, good hearted men and women who give their time and self in an effort to help people become a better version of themselves! A great and special THANK YOU to the volunteers, from both the Sheriff's Office and the incarcerated!
Jail Support Personnel
The Jail Division is assisted by three prominent figures as pictured to the right. Daily operations throughout the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office would not be as smooth as they are without their help. We greatly appreciate the many years of service, and hard-work that you've all poured into this agency and into your careers. Cheers!

Chief Matron

Sex Offender Registrar

Sheriff's Chaplain
Building Information:​
The Montgomery County Rotary Jail was first constructed in 1882. The Rotary Jail is now the only functional rotary jail in the country. The newest facility on Memorial Drive, constructed in June 2006, has an inmate capacity of 224 beds. Among these 224 beds, are temporary housing, medical housing, permanent housing, and 2 padded detox and anti-self-harm housing cells.